Aspazija wrote her first poems at the age of 14 in German, greatly inspired by the German tradition in writing.
1887: the first publication – poem "Jaunā gadā" (In the New Year) in the newspaper Dienas Lapa, published by her pen name Aspazija.
1891–1893: she wrote her first plays.
1933: Velna nauda [The Devil's Dime].
1932: Pūcesspieģelis [Owlglass].
1931: Jānis Ziemelis [Janis Ziemelis]. A play, published in periodicals.
1928: Zalša līgava [The Sea Serpent's Bride].
1927: Torņa cēlājs [The Tower Builder].
1925: Boass un Rute [Boas and Rute].
1923: Aspazija [Aspasia].
1903/1905: Sidraba šķidrauts [The Silver Veil].
1901: Zeltīte [Goldie].
1895: Neaizsniegts mērķis [A Goal Unattained].
1895: Ragana [The Witch].
1894: Zaudētās tiesības [The Lost Rights].
1894: Vaidelote [The Priestess].
1887: Atriebēja [Woman's Revenge].
1942: Zem vakara zvaigznes [Under the Evening Star].
1936: Kaisītās rozes [The Petals of Roses].
1933: Dvēseles ceļojums [Journey of a Soul].
1928: Asteru laikā [When Asters Bloom].
1926: Trejkrāsaina saule [The Tricolour Sun].
1923: Raganu nakts [The Night of the Witches].
1920: Izplesti spārni [Spread Wings].
1911: Ziedu klēpis [Lapful of Flowers].
1910: Saulainais stūrītis [The Corner of Sunshine].
1904: Dvēseles krēsla [The Dawn of a Soul].
1897: Sarkanās puķes [The Red Flowers].
1944: Zila debess zelta mākoņos [Blue Skies in Gilded Clouds].
1933: Rudens lakstīgala [The Autumn Nightingale] published in periodicals.
1928: Zelta mākoņi [Gilded Clouds].
1924: Zila debess [Blue Skies].
1919: No atzīšanas koka [From the Tree of Knowledge].
1921: Rainis. Joseph und seine Brüder [Joseph and His Brothers].
1903-04: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Writings, Vol. 1 – 7, together with Rainis.
1900: Robert Hamerling, Aspasia: A Romance of Art and Love in Ancient Hellas (Aspasia: Ein Künstler- und Liebesroman aus Alt-Hellas).
1899: Henryk Sienkiewicz, Quo vadis.