2017: Duna [Thunder].
2014: Klūgu mūks [Wicker Monk].
2010: Kamenes un skudras [Ants and Bumblebees].
2008: Paisums [High Tide].
2004: Sniega laika piezīmes [Observations in the Time of Snow].
2001: Uguns nemodina [Fire Will Not Wake You].
1999: Akas māja [The Well House].
2006: Atgāzenes stacijas zirgi [The Horses of Atgazene Station].
2000: Nakts pragmatiķe [Night Pragmatist].
Diaries and travel notes
2006: Austrumos no saules un ziemeļos no zemes [To the East of the Sun, to the North of the Earth].
2003: Lugas [Plays].
Plays staged
2015: Aspazija. Personīgi [Aspazija. Personally] staged at the New Riga Theatre.
2009: Sala [Island] staged at the New Riga Theatre.
2008: Skola [School] staged at the National Theatre of Latvia.
2003: Jasmīns [Jasmine] staged in Latvia by United Intimacy.
2003: Dzelzszāle [Iron Weed] staged at the National Theatre of Latvia; staged in Denmark, and Finland.
2002: Jasmīns [Jasmine] by radio theatre.
2002: Tumšie brieži [Dark Deer] staged at the Stuttgart State Theatre (2002)
2001: Tumšie brieži [Dark Deer] staged at the New Riga Theatre and Valmiera Drama Theatre.
An interview with Inga Ābele "Setting the Scene in Latvia" (World Literature Today, October, 2013)