1771: passed the exams and was ordinated for pastor
1807: assesor to the Oberconsistorium of Vidzeme Lutheran church.
Paid great attention to the issues related to peasant education.
Literary work
Books 1772: wrote and published his first book in Latvian "Lessons for Christianity" (in Latvian:
Kristīga ticības mācība). It became so popular that it was republished 3 times (1786, 1787, 1803).
1776: "Geschichte von Livland: nach Bossuetischer Art entworfen". Inspired by J.Ch. Brotze.
1777: "Sacred stories from the scenes of the times of Old and New Testament (in Latvian:
Svēti stāsti no tiem notikumiem vecās un jaunās derības laikos) that was based on the example of "Little Bible" by G.F.Stender. The book consists of 46 stories with a didactic comment at the end of each. Reprinted in 1786 and 1794
1785:"Sammlung Livlandischer Provinzialworter"
1789: Collection of Paternosters.
1791-1880: continued the work of pastor Chr. Harder, edited and published the "Vidzeme Calendar (In Latvian:
Vidzemes kalendārs)
1795: "Lessons to be received on Sundays, Festivities and Sacral times" (in Latvian:
Saņemamas sprediķu mācības uz visām svētdienām, svētkiem un svētiem laikiem)
Many occasional publications, e.g., poems for anniversaries of nobles and family members, wall calendars, etc.
Publications in Folklore
One of the sources of folk song corpus, which were sent to J.G. Herder in the 1770ies.
1807: compiled and published the first Latvian folk song collection "
Erste Sammlung lettischer Sinngedichte" with 238 texts of folk songs, folk romances and popular songs (ziņģes)
1808: compiled and published the second Latvian folk song collection "
Zweite Sammlung lettischer Sinn-oder Stegreifs Gedichte" with 248 texts of folk songs, folk romances and popular songs (ziņģes) and 3 riddles
1808: published the collection of the Palsmane priest F.D. Wahr "Palsmane Folk Songs" (in Latvian: Palcmariešu dziesmu krājums) with 413 folk songs
Translations1787: "Latvian hymnal" (in Latvian:
Latviska dziesmu grāmata). Together with other Livonian priests prepared 29th edition of the Vidzemes' Lutheran hymnal
1791: "Book of good knowledge and advice for Vidzeme people" (In Latvian:
Labu ziņu un padomu grāmata, vidzemniekiem par labu taisīta)
1794: 3rd translation of the Bible. Prepared in collaboration with several priests. Wrote a preface and edited more than 1000 pages
1809: "Christian songs to be sang in the Vidzemes' churches and homes" (In Latvian:
Kristīgas dziesmas, Vidzemes baznīcās un mājās dziedamas) prepared by collective of authors. G. Bergmann edited 88 songs of G.F. Stender, translated 15 from German and composed 6
Reprinted several important works in literature and history, e.g. "History of Livonia" by Dionisius Fabricius, poem "Henriade" by Voltaire, a.o.
Manuscripts Fragments for Latvian grammar, where he tried to create new terminology in the field of grammar.
1776: "Von den lebensart un Leibeigenshaft der heutigen Läten". Ethnographic description, illustrates the views of G. Bergmann in his youth.
1796: "Die Letten vorzüglich in Lieflan, am Ende des philosophischen Jahrhunderts." Written as a reply to the book of Garlib Merkel. There is a note on manuscript "Not for publishing".
1797: "Kurze Würdigung der Merkelschen Schrift" thoughts on lifting the serfdom and on G. Merkels' ideas.
1805: "Book of Rhymes" (in Latvian: Atskaņu grāmata), which reflects on the search for rhymes for the translations of new songs.
1806: Dictionaries: Latvian–German in 1 volume; German-Latvian in 2 volumes. These dictionaries later were used in dictionary of K.K. Ulmann in 1872.
1809: "Sammlung Lettischer sinn-oder-stegreifs gedichte, wörtlich übersetzt von dem sammler, Gustav Bergmann, für Herrn Robert Jamieson". Translations of Latvian folk songswith comments and explanations.
Social activities
Having no doctor's licence, he helped as a medic to the people of his parish. He vaccinated more than 8000 children against pox using the adapted method. (I.e. vaccine against the pox is diluted with water 1:1. This approach decreased death rate among vaccinated population.) After examination the Russian Medicine Collegium suggested to use this method for doctors.
He used to prepare essences on the bases of alcohol and herbs to cure different diseases.
Honours and awards
1787: G. Bergmann was appointed to nobility
1802: was awarded golden medal by Alexander I in gratitude for vaccination against the pox
1806: elected honoured member of the Moscow Society of Devotees of Natural Science